The 2019 shark regulations complement existing federal shark regulations, however there are additional measures required for state waters.
Group | Season | Minimum Size | Daily Limit |
Aggregate Large Coastal and Pelagic Groups | Year Round |
Shortfin MakoMale 71" Fork Length
Shortfin MakoFemale 83" Fork Length All Others54" Fork Length |
plus 1 Atlantic sharpnose/person/trip plus 1 bonnethead shark/person/trip |
Hammerhead Group | 78" Fork Length | ||
Non-blacknose small coastal Group Blacknose Group |
None | |
Pelagic Group |
54" Fork Length |
*Species that may be kept (Authorized Species):
Aggregate Large Coastal Shark: blacktip, bull, lemon, nurse, tiger (not sandtiger), spinner
Hammerhead Shark: scalloped hammerhead, smooth hammerhead, great hammerhead.
Non-Blacknose Small Coastal Shark: atlantic sharpnose, bonnethead, finetooth
Blacknose Shark: blacknose
Pelagic Shark: shortfin mako, blue, porbeagle, oceanic whitetip and common thresher.
AS of 2003, outside 3 Miles in the EEZ (Federal Waters) a permit is required in order to take sharks! For recreational anglers, sharks are part of the Atlantic HMS Angling Permit.
Get the Latest Compliance Guides (For Commercial Fishing and for (Recreational - Billfish,Tuna,Shark)
It is not required for sharks taken in the NJ bays, only for Federal waters 3+ miles out.
In addition, all HMS Permit Holders MUST abide by the federal regulations, not state, in taking of sharks.
See Also:
Summary of NJ Saltwater Regulations
for Detailed Information!
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