Mascot Pics 1998

Our Mascots
Our Mascots
1998 Pictures & Notes
Adult Black Crowned Night Heron
This is a photo of an adult (male?) Black Crowned Night Heron. We think that our "Bullet" is a female black crowned night heron, as her color is still drab.  We may be wrong, and should see any change in coloration during this years molt if it is a male.

Skiddy flares up his feathers in protest of the company he's keeping!
Photo of Birds 6/17/98
In the middle is Balsy, to the right, Bullet. They started out this season chasing each other out of the yard. Now (7/1/98), Bullet will tolerate Skiddy eating at the same time as he, but only if he has his own cup of minnows, and Skiddy only gets fed a minnow at a time. Otherwise, Bullet will hop off the edge of the trash can to chase Skiddy off.

 We are currently trying to make friends with an adult Green Backed Heron.  This is an absolutely beautiful bird! But, he is very shy at the moment!  We will add a picture if he hangs around long enough for us to take one!

Does anyone have any info on black crowned night herons?
Black Crown Night Heron Adult with 4 crest 8/11/98
We have about 5 birds hanging around this year. 1 to 2 immature birds, one drab, and two adults, one with an 8" crest, one with about a 4" crest.
Pictures below are one of the immature birds, Up on the Roof 8/11/98
and the adult with the short crest.  Overcast weather made the shots dark, but this was the first chance I've had to get a picture of the adults.
The adult (this is Bullet II molted out finally, Up on the Roof ii 8/11/98
I got a look at his left foot this morning) went up on the roof when the young one came up from the dock.
Imature Black Crown Night Heron 8/11/98

Fall has arrived, and the snowy egrets have migrated.
JR 10/5/98
The two younger night herons are still hanging around. We dubbed the larger one JR, and the smaller one, Baby. The shot of JR is from yesterday.

Bullet II is also still hear, and this morning I was able to snap a few shots with better light.
Bullet Perching 10/6/98

At this point, Bullet II is just being called Bullet, as we haven't seen the original bird for some time.
Bullet Alert 10/6/98
I would assume this is just because the current Bullet has established this as his territory.
The darker photo is Bullet fishing out of our bunker tank, Bullet fishing the bunker tank 10/6/98
very successfully, as he ate about $4 worth before Russ chased him off and covered the tank again.

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